Every piece of ministry and life of the Harbor must be done for Christ and in His power, and we will have Him as the central focus of why we do ministry. Where prayer is the center of all we do and will guide all ministry, vision, and serving. 1 Corinthians 10:31 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Scripture will be the guide for life and ministry at the Harbor. The Harbor believes that the Bible is the inherent Word of God. We will never compromise, lessen, or ignore the word of God to fit our agenda or needs in life, but rather we will transform our lifestyles to model scripture, therefore modeling the image of Christ. 2 Timothy 3:16-4:5
Where through the ministry of the Harbor we constantly grow and become followers and images of Christ, His love, and his service to others. This happens through prayer, bible studies, worship services, discipleship, ministry groups, transforming lifestyles of individual growth in Christ and His Word, and further equipping and ministry opportunities. Jeremiah 29:13
The ministry of the Harbor is discipleship focused, mentoring in the method of “one-on-one” and small discipleship groups, growing followers of Christ and encouraging them and walking by them as they grow in their relationship and faith in Christ, ultimately resulting in disciples of Christ that make disciples that make disciples. Matthew 28:18-20 Proverbs 27:17
The ministry of the Harbor will be a training center and focused on developing leaders through providing opportunities within the discipleship journey and the school of ministry. God has a powerful calling on all of our lives, and the Harbor has the vision to develop and send that calling into the world to further the Kingdom ministry. Potential leaders will be identified and trained and through spiritual and ministerial growth those leaders will be given leadership opportunities to continue to grow and take ownership of the Harbor and the community around them. 2 Timothy 2:2 Ephesians 4:11-17 Luke 6:40 Mark 1:16-22 1 Timothy 4:12
The Harbor will strive that in every opportunity of ministry will be an opportunity to build relationships for the growth of the body of Christ. The Body of Christ is family and we will live lifestyles as family in relational ministry. People, not methods or meetings, have always been the center-piece of God’s plan. The Church, or “ekklesia”, is the “body of Christ”, the “house of God”, the “family of God”. What all of these have in common is relationships. A body is built of interconnected parts all joined together by various relationships. A house is built of various materials all joined together through various connections. A family is a small group of people that are connected and related to one another. All of these show us that God’s desire is for His Church to be connected by relationships that bind us together into the “community of God”. Acts 2:42-47 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
The Harbor grasps that God is a missionary God and that “it is not so much that God has a mission for His church and ministries in the world, but that God has a church and ministries for His mission in the world.” A missional ministry believes that the mission of God is rooted unalterably in the Bible, God’s infallible Word. Therefore, a missional ministry believes that the essence of God’s mission is to extend the reign of God and is summed up in the gospel of Jesus Christ. A missional ministry is a visible community of authentic disciples of Jesus Christ who gather for celebration, prayer and teaching and then disperse locally and globally as His missionaries to love and serve people. In so doing, a missional church both pursues and welcomes sinners as they are drawn into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The greater purpose in all of this is that the earth will be filled with the worship of God. A missional ministry believes that it is more than just a collection of individuals, but that it is a community called together by God both to love Him and serve Him. A missional ministry is concerned with more than maintaining programs for existing members; it is called to mobilize its people both individually and as a community to daily self-sacrifice for the hurting world around them. A missional ministry is both inwardly strong and outwardly focused. A missional ministry perceives that the essence of these things is the essence of its existence. Therefore, a missional ministry will constantly seek to reevaluate itself as to whether or not its emphasis, organization, and activity effectively position the ministry to partner with God in His mission. Matthew 28:18-20 Acts 1:8 1 Peter 2:9-10 Mark 16:15
At the Harbor, we realize we can do nothing without God’s leading and Him empowering us through the presence and power of His Holy Spirit. Therefore in all we do, within the ministry of the Harbor and within our lives, we will strive to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, therefore our lives and the ministry of the Harbor are truly being set apart and ministered with the power of the Holy Spirit. Luke 24:49 John 14:18-24 Acts 1:8
We believe in the importance of all ages, both physically and spiritually, coming together to grow and encourage one another. The Harbor will be a safe place for all, whether young or old, non-believe to season believer. Hebrews 10:24-26 John 13:34-35 John 15:12
At the Harbor, every moment the doors are open and a ministry opportunity is present, whether in activities, worship services, bible studies, service provision, training times, discipleship times, events, or other any other programs, THE PURPOSE IS TO BUILD RELATIONSHIPS AND CHANGE LIVES FOR JESUS CHRIST! Matthew 5:16
The ministry of the Harbor will be modeled after Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:31-46, that the love and service we provide, especially to the “least of these” as mentioned in verse 40 and 45, is done with all love for Christ himself. We will be a ministry of action, serving and loving those whom God has placed in our paths, and serving and loving them with Christ’s heart. We will not be a stumbling block or a ministry that raises difficulties for those being served to receive service. Matthew 25:31-46 1 John 3:16-18 James 2:14-26