Providing Groceries to The Dothan Community

The Harbor serves upwards of 400 people a week, including many families and children, who range from homeless and transient life-styles, to job-insecure and poverty stricken, to low-income individuals and families just trying to make it!

Items Needed: Pop-Top/Quick Eat type style Non-Perishable Items

-Hearty Soups
-Canned Ravioli
-Beanie Weenies
-Vienna Sausages
-Ramen Noodles
-Noodle Cups
-Granola Bars
-Protein Bars
-Peanut Butter Crackers
-Cheese Crackers
-Saltine Crackers
-Bottled Water

Items Needed: Family style Non-Perishable Items

-Pasta Noodles
-Pasta Sauces
-Canned Vegetables
-Single Serve Apple Sauce
-Singe Serve Fruit Cups
-Canned Fruit
-Canned Soups
-Packaged Sweets (Cookies, Animal Crackers, Candy, etc)
-Packaged Chips
-Canned Beans
-Packaged Rice

I would like to donate food items...

Thank you to the hearts of the community for seeing the needs of others and filling those needs! Thank you for uniting together to serve those who are going through a difficult storm! You are tremendous blessings, and the Harbor cannot reach and minister in the fullest capacity without you!